Joining the Trust
We want every school who joins the Trust to come with an area of expertise, that everyone else can learn from and be guided into continuous self-improvement and shared best practice.
The desire is to access the outstanding elements in each school and share the elements across all schools to make outstanding schools.
You may be a teaching school, you might have an outstanding sixth form provider, you may have great fundraising skills, you may simply have the most amazing progress rates for children because of your teaching pedagogy.
You will value parental engagement, see the benefit of extended provisions and always be looking for the next amazing experience we can develop as a team. Most of all you will see yourself as part of the team, supporting and challenging in equal amounts and working collaboratively.
By the nature of special needs, we recognise this MAT cannot be local to a geographical town, however it can be great by bringing concepts and experiences from a range of different schools and local authorities together. We believe the creation of a medium sized special needs MAT across the South Oxfordshire, North Hampshire and West Berkshire and surrounding areas will allow us to support and grow areas of expertise in the SEN sector, as well as recognising that some of the children in our care already access our schools for our area of specialism. With this shared knowledge we may be able to provide a provision closer to home for the children in our schools. Having more than one MAT in a county brings challenge and a search for excellence towards a national picture.
The principles we ask you to embrace and the attitude we have to sharing best practice and working together is something we will deliver with your team.